Washington State Travel

Washington State has it all - rain forests, beaches and tide pools, unparalleled vistas, volcanoes, wildlife, glaciers, lofty mountains, wilderness, jagged peaks, trout-laden lakes, and wild rivers. The recreational opportunities are endless, from sportfishing and whale watching to whitewater rafting and mountain climbing. There is fun, adventure, and challenge out there for all ages. Travel Washington State!


Ben Franklin Transit
Rider Info: (509) 735-5100, Admin: (509) 735-4131
1000 Columbia Dr SE, Richland, 99352
Tri-Cities area

Clallam Transit
(800) 858-3747 or (360) 452-1315
830 W Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, 98363
Olympic Peninsula - make connections with Jefferson, Kitsap, Grays Harbor, and Mason Country Transits; also to SeaTac International Airport and Amtrak

Community Transit
(800) 562-1375 or (425) 353-RIDE
Snohomish County - connects with King County's Metro

(360) 695-0123, TDD (360) 695-2760
2425 NE 65th Ave, PO Box 2529, Vancouver, 98668-2529

Grays Harbor Transit
(800) 562-9730 (in state) or (360) 532-2770
Olympic Peninsula - make connections with Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason County Transits, plus Intercity/Thurston County

Intercity/Thurston County
(360) 786-1881, 786-8585 (admin), (800) BUS MEIT (outside of county)
526 Pattison Rd SE, Olympia, 98501
Transit Center on State Ave btwn Franklin & Washington
Free Capitol Shuttle serving downtown and the State Capitol Campus; Express Service to Pierce County (Tacoma); make connections to Grays Harbor and Mason County Transits, Twin Transit (Centralia/Chehalis), and Amtrak

Island Transit
(360) 678-7771 or 321-6688, TDD (360) 678-3266
480 West SR 20, PO Box 1097, Coupeville, Whidbey Is, 98239

Jefferson Transit
(800) 773-7788 or (360) 385-4777
1516 Sims Way, Port Townsend, 98368
Olympic Peninsula - make connections with Clallam, Kitsap, Grays Harbor, and Mason County Transits, also to SeaTac International Airport and Amtrak

Kitsap Transit
(800) 501-7433 or (360) 479-6962
234 S Wycoff Ave, Bremerton, 98312
Olympic Peninsula - make connections with Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, and Mason County Transits, also to SeaTac International Airport and Amtrak

(800) 851-LINK or (509) 662-1155, TDD (509) 664-7287
2700 Euclid Ave, PO Box 3244, Wenatchee, 98807
Free public transportation throughout Chelan and eastern Douglas Counties (no Sunday service)

Mason County Transportation Authority
(800) 374-3747 or (360) 427-5033, TDD (360) 427-0628
Olympic Peninsula - make connections with Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Grays Harbor Transits, also to SeaTac International Airport and Amtrak

24-hr info line (206) 553-3000, customer service 553-3060
821 2nd Ave, Seattle, 98104
Seattle & King County with connections to other regional bus lines

Pierce Transit
(800) 562-8109 or (253) 581- 8000
PO Box 99070, Tacoma, 98499-0070

Pullman Transit
(509) 332-6535
775 NW Guy St, Pullman, 99163

Spokane Transit Authority
(509) 325-6000 or (509) 328-7433
1230 W Boone Ave, Spokane, 99201

Twin Transit (360) 330-2072
Centralia & Chehalis - make connections with Intercity Transit (Olympia and Thurston County)

Valley Transit
(509) 525-9140
1401 W Rose St, Walla Walla, 99362

Whatcom Transportation Authority
(360) 676-RIDE
Bellingham and Whatcom County

Yakima Transit
(509) 575-6175
2301 Fruitvale Blvd, Yakima, 98902